Tuesday, August 28, 2007


One week from today, I'll be leaving for Dublin. Wow. A common question seems to be, "Are you excited?" Answer: Yes. It doesn't seem like all to long ago when Brian and I would say, Four months from today!

As I write this, I'm experiencing another potential 'last.' The last time I'll sit at the JavaHouse and enjoy an organic brew. It really is an odd feeling to think about leaving Iowa City, my home of four years. Yesterday, my 'last' was the last time I was employed at The University of Iowa Foundation (last for awhile, who knows what the future will bring). We marked my last day of employment with a splendid going away party. Among others, newly appointed UI President Sally Mason came to say goodbye. Not really, President Mason was there to speak for our annual Fall Telefund Retreat. She was remarkable. Also speaking was one of our Foundation VPs. He talked about the changes that most students go through during their four years at school. The first Thanksgiving break results in freshman anxious to get home to see family and friends. The same goes for Christmas. But soon, Iowa City becomes home. How true that is.

I made it through my last day at Telefund much better than I expected. One would easily describe me as a soft hearted crier (reference, drunk Matt freshman year). Yet, I was able to give my last Telefund break meeting as well as farewell remarks dry eyed. Another common theme in our speakers' presentations was that as students, our employees are experiencing the best four years of their lives. I'd agree. I also couldn't look back on my experience at The University of Iowa without thinking about the nearly four years I spent employed at Telefund. An amazing job. A job which allowed me to develop a love for fundraising. A love for philanthropy. I loved to be able to go to work knowing that I was making a difference.

I sent my Dad an email earlier alerting him to my potential last time at the JavaHouse. He said yes, I'm experiencing a number of lasts. But, soon, I'll be living so many firsts.

Now, I'm going to get get in my car and hopefully experience my last Iowa City parking ticket. One 'last' that I don't have mixed emotions about!

"Retreat is when a stillness happens inside you and you're aware of the dynamism of the incredible things around you."
-Andrew zolli

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Barnacles Temple Bar House

I just got done booking reservations for our first couple nights in Dublin. We are scheduled to arrive in Dublin mid-morning on Wednesday, September 5th. The plan is to stay in Dublin at least until Saturday morning.

On Friday morning, Brian and I have an orientation session with USIT. USIT is the co-sponsor of Bunac's Work in Ireland Program and is, "Ireland's student, youth & independent travel specialists, offering cheap flights from Dublin, Cork & Shannon, accommodation, car hire, insurance, work abroad programmes & working visas." From what I understand, USIT will point us in the direction of finding employment / housing for the duration of our stay in Ireland.

For the three nights we'll be in Dublin, we will be staying at Barnacles Temple Bar House. We'll be in a 10 person, dormitory style room. This will be my first (but definitely not last) hostel experience! It should be an interesting stay to say the least. The hostel is located in the Temple Bar district of Dublin and is right on the River Liffey. The Temple Bar district - with its medieval street pattern and narrow cobbled streets - is a spot popular to tourists and full of nightlife. I would venture to guess Brian and I will not have to walk to far to find a pint of Guinness.